Shropshire Star

I'll embrace hi-tech, but what about a selfie?

I can be a bit of a soft touch when it comes to changing my mind. I regularly proffer that I won't do this, that, or the other – especially where new technology is concerned.

Shirley Tart

Now? Well, of course, I have the iPhone. And I've had a sat nav for years. I also have a Kindle, a tablet and a full-sized laptop.

It's a fad which seemed to go viral instantly. And while it may have started with kids at football matches or pictures at the school prom, it spread like wildfire.

It has became something that everyone does, from little ones to grannies, with disregard to race, religion or class.

And at the Oscars, earlier this month, rows of famous Hollywood celebs giggled their way into a group for a happy snap.

Each and every time, I've thought what silly posers they are.

Anyway, to the point. We recently marked the International Women's World Day of Prayer with a special service. This year, it was put together by the women of Egypt, so we tried to wear something vaguely Egyptian.

Everyone looked fantastic. However, I was just lucky because I actually own a lovely gown which I bought during a trip to the area.

Anyway, after the service, I suddenly said to my friend Angie: "Come on, let's snap a selfie."

I have no idea where it came from, or that it was even me saying it. But yes it was and yes, we posed for a picture.

And it was I who held out my phone (back to front of course) at arm's length, screwing up my eyes and trying to look natural.

And it was I who appeared on the eventual snap, ready for a gurning contest. Why does a selfie do that?

Angie was grinning a bit inanely but at least looked sort of normal. Me? Well, a horror story.

But guess what? Somebody's just shown me how to take a picture with the phone the right way round.

So watch out selfies, here I come!

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