Shropshire Star

Life is short - be careful what you wish for, Em

Oh Emma, just you wait. Lovely actress Emma Watson is a global superstar, thanks to Harry Potter. She's very much in demand by filmmakers and an all-round sweetheart. She's also 23 years young.


Note the last point. Because the youthful and flawless Emma says she's excited about getting old.

"I'm more interested in women who aren't perfect, they are more compelling," she says.

Well those of us who are a tad beyond our 20s and far from perfect will take that as a compliment then, Em.

Having said that, we also learn that Miss Watson has around 30 beauty products in her make-up bag, most of them making sure she looks pretty perfect all the time.

Be careful, dear, you risk being caught in the trap of your own argument in your bid to preserve a youthful image.

Thirty beauty products, seriously? Hands up anybody who can match that. Why would you even try?

Taking care of your skin is one thing but worrying about the world's opinion of the way you look must be terribly pressured.

However, going back to Emma's original point that ageing might be something to look forward to, that's not a bad philosophy – but be careful what you wish for.

The older you get, the more you realise that ageing is less appealing than you thought.

Which reminds me of a little tale a Bishop once told me.

He was visiting an elderly parishioner in the local hospital one afternoon and arrived to find the sick old man in a bed next to a much younger patient.

The Bishop heard the young chap ask: "How old are you now, Fred." Fred replied: "I'm 84." His new friend said glumly: "I don't think I'd want to live to 84." To which Fred swiftly answered: "You will when you're 83."

Lesson for all of us – life is precious at every age, 23 or 83. Treasure it, make it matter and grow old disgracefully if you must.

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