Shropshire Star

Star letter: Speed limit in lane should be 20mph

I am aware of some residents in Malpas having problems with Greenway Lane, the narrow lane that runs from Chester Road, Malpas, from opposite the Heber High School to Well Meadow.


Incredibly, I have received complaints of traffic speeding here.

I wouldn't have thought that anyone in their right mind would try to drive faster than 30mph in Greenway Lane. However, a friend tells me that there was nearly an accident when a car was travelling fast in Greenway Lane. My friend pointed out to the driver that the speed was excessive and dangerous and was told that there was no speed limit in Greenway Lane.

I decided to look at the signage. One of the signs has been turned round, one a restriction on it and the other claims Greenway Lane is 30mph.

At the exit nearest the centre of Malpas the signs suggest there is no speed limit as you enter Greenway Lane, but when you exit it, you are entering a 30mph zone.

At the other junction, nearer Cross o' the Hill, there are signs saying you are entering a 40mph zone when you enter the lane, and there is nothing on the other side.

I am not confused as to what speed restriction, if any, is on Greenway Lane, but it does seem to me that it should be a 30mph at the very most.

As it is a narrow single lane track, 20mph may seem most appropriate.

Charles Lowick Higgie, Malpas

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