Shropshire Star

Magical music from Talvin Singh and Niladri Kumar

Talvin Singh and Niladri Kumar offered an alternative Royal Wedding celebration during a night of magical music at Birmingham Town Hall


Talvin Singh and Niladri Kumar

Town Hall, Birmingham

review by Andy Richardson

It was fitting that Talvin Singh should provide an alternative form of wedding celebration on the evening of William and Catherine's day.

Throughout his career, the London-born composer, tabla player and producer has been pushing back the boundaries of contemporary music.

At Birmingham Town Hall, he was joined by the Indian classical and fusion musician, Niladri Kumar, who has also proved himself a fearless innovator throughout his career.

The duo amended their programme and played wedding raags throughout the two-part concert. In wonderfully civilised fashion, they broke off half way so that they could go and get a cup of tea.

Singh is something of a genius: the Mercury Music Prize winner came to widespread attention by collaborating with the likes of Bjork, Siouxsie and the Banshees and Madonna though he has long since created his own unique style.

His ability to fuse Indian classical music with drum 'n' bass sets him apart from his contemporaries and he was in imperious form at the Town Hall. Armed with Tabla and his iMac, he tripped the light fantastic during a dizzying evening of creative brilliance.

Kumar, meanwhile, provided the perfect foil. A virtuoistic player, he has proved as adept at innovation as Singh; at one point modifying his sitar and creating a new instrument - the zitar.

A disciple of Ravi Shankar, Kumar showed flashes of his guru's talent during a series of spellbinding solos and interludes with Singh.

While the masses were enjoying sausage rolls and cheese and pineapple at street parties; Singh and Kumar were providing an alternative form of entertainment and celebrating our wonderfully multi-cultural heritage.

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