Shropshire Star

My perfect weekend: Diana Vickers

Diana Vickers will be hitting the V Festival stage. She told us her perfect weekend

Is that a phrase? – Diana loved her “crazy-mental” weekend at the Isle of Wight festival

It's Friday afternoon, what's on your mind?

I'll be thinking about a nice chilled glass of rosé and some sort of yummy dinner.

Who normally has the pleasure of your company at the weekends?

My boyfriend George, my big sister Charlotte and my bezzies, I guess. Me and my boyfriend have a group of mutual friends and we're usually busy with them.

How do you prepare for a big night out?

I crack the prosecco and blast some of my favourite tunes. I also get the girls round and get ready by having a bit of a boogey. Got to Be Real is one of my favourite tunes, or Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Put some Daft Punk or a bit of 1970.

What's your favourite party outfit?

I love a classic LBD. You can't go wrong with one! I jazz it up with some killer heals and my sexy red Burberry handbag and I'm ready to go! I have a really nice black and white outfit. It comprises a nice tight top and a really nice black dress. For events, I have a stylist and dresser, but on a day to day basis I just take care of things myself.

You've just arrived at the bar, what's your first drink?

A prosecco or maybe even a cheeky kir royale! I just love bubbles, they really excite me. Kir royale just has a great kick.

What is your favourite night spot and why?

We always seem to end at Love Shake, in Hoxton, in London's East End, on a night out. They always play great music and they have a really relaxed party vibe. They do alcohocolic milkshakes, burgers and hot dogs. It's open until 4am so we always end up there. They play great old school '60s music. It usually starts getting busy from midnight, when other places close.

It's a sunny Saturday, what are you up to?

I'll be eating breakfast on my roof terrace. After that, I'll probably be going into the village near where I live for a drink. I'll also be buying things for a big barbeque later that day. Then I get the boyf on the barbeque and my pals come round. We live near to the Ginger Pig, which is one of the best butchers in the UK; it's just up the road. It normally supplies some of London's best restaurants. We go in there to buy a fillet steak, sausages and chicken steaks. My boyf is a bit radical and he'll throw a bit of liver on the BBQ. I live with my sister and friend Emily, so they'll always be involved.

What's your most memorable weekend ever and why?

Probably the Isle Of White festival two years ago. I had the best weekend ever. It was crazy-mental; it was amazing weather and we had best company. There was me, my sister, my boyf and my boyf's brother. Kings of Leon were plyaing, it was just so much fun. It was quite a small festival and my boyf sang and it was really good energy. That was just one that I visited, I wasn't performing.

What's your recipe for the perfect night in?

A delicious meal: something like a risotto or a sexy steak and chips. I'd open a bottle of red. I'd also want loads of chocolate and ice cream and good telly.

Favourite DVD and what would you eat while watching it?

An Education. It's got Carrie Mulligan in it and she's sassy and very intelligent. She gets trapped when she falls in love with a man and gets whisked off to Paris. I'd eat sweet and salty popcorn and Maltesers.

Sunday breakfast: cooked or continental?

Continental. I love a croissant or some yogurt and granola. Although I do love pancakes and eggs royale too.

Sunday lunch: home cooked or pub?

Probably at the pub with all my pals, although my butcher does sell the best meat!

Where and how do you like to relax?

I like going up north either home to my mum's house in Lancashire or away to the country in Yorkshire to my boyf's parents.

Have you got a favourite hobby or unusual pursuit?

I like hot yoga and running. I'm also trying to discipline myself by writing some comedy with my sister in our spare time.

You have the whole weekend off and a wad of cash. Which country or city would you head to?

I'd probably round up all my friends and hit Vegas for a mental weekend. Why not! I'd just go mental with pool parties, going out, visiting the casinos and not sleeping.

l Former X Factor semi-finalist Diana Vickers rocked the V Festival party in 2010 when she took to the stage wearing a zebra print dress. She'll return to the stage at Weston Park this year to croon songs from her album Music to Make Boys Cry, released this month.

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