Shropshire Star

I love wake-boarding and can throw a few shapes

Singer Moya is on the V Festival line-up. She let us in on her perfect weekend

All at sea – singer Moya grew up by the sea and is a fan of wake-boarding

It's Friday afternoon, what's on your mind?

When I do have a free Friday, I tend to do something relaxing. At the moment I can't have too many mad evenings as I have to make sure my voice is still working . . .I'm probably quite boring for a 22-year-old.

Who normally has the pleasure of your company at the weekends?

At the moment it's my family. I don't tend to spend much time with them, so right now I'm catching up with them.

How do you prepare for a big night out?

For me, it doesn't take much time at all. I'll have a shower, open a bottle of wine and have a bit of a dance round the kitchen. I'm not one of those girls that takes ages to get ready either; a bit of mascara and lipstick and I'm away.

What's your favourite party outfit?

I like to dress casually at all times. I normally just stick on a pair of jeans and a baggy shirt with some mid heels. Sometimes I'll go all out and put a dress on but I always thought I looked a bit silly in them. I seem to be going through a bit of an 80's phase at the moment though, so that means high-waisted trousers and crop tops; I always look like the odd one out around my friends.

You've just arrived at the bar, what's your first drink?

It would have to be either vodka, lime and soda or a rum and coke. I try and stick to one drink if I'm out on a mad one though . . .I can't mix like I used to; my hangovers last for days.

What is your favourite night spot and why?

I used to love going out dancing in clubs a lot and still do on the odd occasion but at the moment I'm content with a good bar and a nice cocktail. There's an amazing bar in Shoreditch, London, called The Whistling Shop that serves incredible cocktails, they even make their own liqueurs and bitters.

It's a sunny Saturday, what are you up to?

If it's really hot, you would definitely find me horizontal on a sun lounger; I'm a serious sun worshiper when it decides to make an appearance in England.

What's your most memorable weekend ever and why?

I think it would have to be a recent one – Saturday, June 29 of this year. We were nearing the end of our stint supporting Rod Stewart and we arrived at our venue for the evening; the RDS in Dublin. Even though I had known about this venue for a while, I hadn't for some reason looked it up, therefore when I was faced with an open-air stadium that holds up to 35,000 people, I was pretty shocked/ridiculously scared. It turned into the most memorable and mind blowing of situations.

Favourite DVD and what would you eat while watching it?

Step Brothers. I can pretty much quote the whole of that film (yes I'm that annoying person). As for the food, it would have to be popcorn; bog-standard cinema popcorn with lots of butter.

Have you got a favourite hobby or unusual pursuit?

I really enjoy wake-boarding but don't get to do it half as much as I'd like to. I grew up by the sea and my parents are ridiculously keen on boats, so a lot of my childhood was spent on the water. I'm not the best boarder in the world but I can throw a few shapes.

You have the whole weekend off and a wad of cash. Which country or city would you head to?

I would definitely head to LA. I recently went there for the first time a couple of months ago and absolutely fell in love with the place. Everything there suits me down to the ground.

l Moya, 22, is following her recent support slot with Rod Stewart by lining up on the Futures Stage at V Festival on August 18.

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