Shropshire Star

These people are still angry about plots in TV shows which ended years ago

And reading their angst takes you right back to the moment their favoured programme jumped the shark.

Woman angry with television (kicsiicsi/Getty Images)

It may be more than 10 years since Friends last aired but there’s still a lot of anguish about one storyline.

For Twitter user Juliet Mushens, the Rachel/Joey romance which stopped almost as soon as it started tops the bill of TV show plots she’s still angry about.

She shared her annoyance on the social network inviting others to add which storylines still riled them, years after the show aired.

And people got really vocal, with lots of angry face emoji and shouty tweets in CAPITAL LETTERS. (Note, there might be some spoilers, if you haven’t watched the shows.)

The whole thread served as a place for people to vent on unbelievable plots in Buffy, Gilmore Girls, The West Wing and more.

It was more than some people could take.

And people were regularly dissing entire series of popular shows, especially Lost.

And dissecting storylines with intent you imagine is reserved for the writers’ room and continuity editing.

The West Wing was getting its fair share of grief, because good guy Toby would *never* have leaked the info about the missile.

The recent Gilmore Girls revival also spawned a backlash.

And there was a special sub-section for people angry about a whole lot of different aspects of How I Met Your Mother.

People lamented the death of Omar and Stringer Bell in The Wire and Debs falling in love with killer Dexter in Dexter.

Other shows working people into a rant were The Simpsons, Ally McBeal, Sex And The City, Angel, Battlestar Galactica, Glee and even EastEnders. Older shows like Roseanne also made an appearance. It went off air in 1997.

Fans hold grudges, it seems, and have an excellent memory.

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