Shropshire Star

These students put their Post-it Notes to great use when looking for new pals

When you’ve been to the stationers and bought more than you needed…

(Rawpixel/GettyImages/Charlotte Alegado)

Making friends at college or university can be difficult, but who knew that Post-it Notes might have been the secret to success all along?

These students demonstrated the benefits of a particularly thorough stationery shop by conducting a conversation with students in a different apartment using just the sticky labels, inviting people over for a film night.

It didn’t go entirely smoothly, but it did seem to work as a method of communication.

Aside from the BEUH (Bruh?) incident, the two apartments seemed to understand one another perfectly.

Charlotte Alegado, 18, a hospitality and tourism management student at San Francisco State University, said: “I want to say it was my roommates’ idea to start this so went forth with it.”

Students can be cruel though, and the the next day this sad message demonstrated all too clearly that film night had in fact not brought the distant students together.

“8L Y U FLAKE” the message read.

And Charlotte’s flat got hit with a classic break-up response.

The film night did go ahead, with people on other floors attending to watch The Strangers.

“It was ‘supposed’ to be scary but it was a little dumb,” Charlotte said. “It’s a good movie for that time period though lol”.

Charlotte’s not given up on 8L though. They’ve arranged another movie night “maybe some time this week”.

Asked if the others will turn up this time, she said: “Yeah I’m sure. I got a message from that floor saying they’ll for sure come this time.”

Hopefully they’ve still got the popcorn.

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