Shropshire Star

People are trying to blow Hurricane Irma away with fans

“Thank you for your bravery.”

People are putting fans on their roofs because every little helps (@jm_rothschild/PA)

As Hurricane Irma heads for Florida after ripping through the Caribbean, Americans have come up with a new way to protect their shores from another storm.

It’s not quite scientifically proven, though.

In an effort to “blow” the hurricane away, they’ve been photographing themselves pointing industrial fans, personal home fans, and even hairdryers out of their windows to will the storm away under the hashtag #unitedwefan.

It all started on Thursday, as storm Irma headed towards the US, when an ambitious member of the public set up the Facebook event: “Everybody Points Their Fans At The Hurricane To Blow It Away”.

The Facebook page for "Everybody Points Their Fans At The Hurricane To Blow It Away"
The ambitious campaign’s Facebook event (PA)

This woman posted an image of her serious-looking fan to the event page, adding a patriotic: “We all need to do our part!”

A woman in Florida pulled out all the stops.

Another’s small fan wasn’t even making a dent on the calm waters outside his window.

“DO NOT point your fans to the southeast,” they said.

“It will only make Irma spin faster.

“THINK PEOPLE, this is not a joke.”

Now we just need everyone in Europe and west Africa to get out their vacuums, and everything should be okay.

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