Shropshire Star

This letter from the tooth fairy will make you want to get the brush out

It certainly seems to be having its desired effect on eight-year-old Sam Warren.

(Henry Warren/didesign021/Getty Images)

Everybody loves having clean teeth but growing up, chances are there were many occasions you had to be asked more than once to brush yours.

Sam Warren, eight, is one of those kids – if his dad’s letter from the tooth fairy is anything to go by.

After losing one of his teeth, Sam did the usual thing of sticking it under his pillow for the tooth fairy to collect – hopefully in return for some money.

And while reimbursement did come, he was cutting it close and might not be so lucky in the future.

It seems like the letter, from Barry T. Tooth Fairy, has had quite the impact – with Sam reading it aloud to his five-year-old sister, lest she let her dental hygiene slip.

“We’re already seeing an improvement,” dad Henry said, adding: “One is never too young to learn about the importance of dental hygiene and petty bureaucracy.”

People really enjoyed the tough but fair letter.

But while the reaction to Henry’s letter online has been pretty positive, for Barry, things seem slightly different.

Passing on some information from the tooth fairy, Henry said: “The reaction has been positive on the whole, though Barry feels he is being painted as a petty bureaucrat. The media has no idea the pressure tooth fairies are under these days.

“Austerity has hit them too. It’s their working conditions that lead to passive aggressive missives like this.”

Maybe that’s the real story here.

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