Shropshire Star

This is the quickest change of mood you’ll ever see

From laughing to frowning in record time.

A serious topic made hilarious (Vrabelpeter1/Getty/PA)

The same-sex marriage vote in Australia last week has garnered a range of reactions – but none quite like this one.

Australian news and commentary programme Insiders ABC showed an interview with Queensland politician Bob Katter.

At first, Katter talks about the same-sex marriage result, saying: “I mean, you know, people are entitled to their sexual proclivities. Let there be a thousand blossoms bloom, as far as I am concerned.”

Quite suddenly, though, the tone changes. Katter’s face morphs into a frown as he bemoans the dangerous crocodile situation in Queensland.

He said: “I ain’t spending any time on [the same-sex marriage vote] because in the meantime, every three months, a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in north Queensland.”

As the programme comes back to the studio, the presenters and guests are clearly failing to hold it together, as they bend over laughing.

The audience enjoyed the strange moment too, taking to Twitter to share their feelings.

However, some felt the issue of deaths was not one to be made light of.

Just when you think politics can’t get any stranger…

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