Shropshire Star

This couple’s proposal shot hid a heart-shaped surprise

“What are the odds of that?”

(courtesy of Ryan Moon)

People getting hitched is special, but Ryan Moon’s proposal to Haley Smith really takes the heart-shaped biscuit.

On a trip to the State Capitol building in Des Moines, Iowa, where they had met three-and-a-half years previously, 26-year-old Ryan got down on one knee as he and Haley, 25, had their picture taken – to her great surprise.

Ryan gets on one knee
Spot the heart (courtesy of Ryan Moon)

Remarkably, hidden in the photo, Ryan and Haley’s shadows had silhouetted a small heart shape on the ground next to them.

The heart shape on the ground
(courtesy of Ryan Moon)

Ryan shared a picture of the unlikely coincidence on Reddit where it has received a huge amount of attention and more than 69,000 upvotes.

“That is incredible that strangers are happy for us and are wishing us luck,” said Ryan. “If this photo can make one person smile we are happy to share it.”

Ryan and Haley
(courtesy of Ryan Moon)
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