Shropshire Star

This barber is getting a lot of love for their answer on a hairdressing-themed Reddit question

The question asked how barbers and hairdressers wanted customers to communicate with them.

The top reply came from Reddit user ‘IntroVertiCali’ (robbyclay/Getty Images)

Arriving at the hairdressers or barbers can be an awkward occasion, so one Reddit user decided to ask those in the trade just how to handle it.

“Barbers/Hairdressers of Reddit: how exactly do you want customers to communicate what they want to you? What do they say/do that is unhelpful?” the question read.

Many answered, but the top reply came from Reddit user “IntroVertiCali”, who gave a detailed answer on how to find out what men want from their haircut even if conversation isn’t exactly flowing. Here it is in full:

Barber tools and accessories
(Bubbers13/Getty Images)

“Most men aren’t picky. Some men are. Some have no idea what they want. It’s my job to guide them in the right direction. I cut a lot of walk in customers and have narrowed down the questions to just a few. Here’s an example of how it usually goes.

“Barber: So what are we doing for you today?

“Client: Uhh just a trim please.

“Barber: Okay. Would you like clippers on the sides and back or do you prefer scissors only?

“Client: I’m not sure actually.

“Barber: Okay. Do you want the hair off of your ear or touching your ear?

“Client: I like it off my ears please.

A man receives a haircut from a barber
(master1305/Getty Images)

“Client: Usually around once a month.

“Barber: Okay. I see you like to keep it short on the sides and longer up top. If I use the clippers do you want to see skin on the sides and back? Or do you prefer it longer?

“Client: No skin please. A little longer than that.

“Barber: Okay you got it. (Now I know that I can use a number 2 or 3 on the sides and back and it’ll be just the right length for them. Also, since the client didn’t know what he wanted initially I know I don’t have to do anything fancy like a skin fade or anything too ‘modern’ since it was never mentioned and there was no picture.

“As I’m cutting I’m looking for any crazy cowlicks or issues I might run into when I get to the top of their head. Now since I’ve only used a 2 or 3 on the sides I can safely assume that the top will be just as simple.

A man gets his hair cut by a barber
(shironosov/Getty Images)

“Having done this for so long I know when people want to chat or when they prefer to be a little quieter. But initially I NEED to ask questions and figure out what they want.

“Men are both loyal and easy to please. If I cut their hair right once, they’ll be back. If I cut their hair and it’s not exactly how they want it, but they liked me or the conversation we had, they’ll come back and will now have an idea of what they want. If I cut their hair and jack it all up, they’ll find somewhere else and possibly bad mouth me.

“These cuts are my advertisements so I take it seriously. If you don’t know what you want, allow the stylists to help you and ask questions. Pictures are a huge plus if you can’t verbally explain. Ask questions yourself.

“Hope this helps someone. I know finding the right barber/stylist can be tough. Communication is key. Build a relationship with them so it’s more comfortable to talk about what you want. It takes time. If they mess up a little once, have them cut it again and let them know until they get it right. ….and bring them coffee. Lol”

To read the Ask Reddit in full, click here.

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