Shropshire Star

You’ve never been as excited about anything as this four-year-old bowler was when he got a spare

Is there anything sweeter than seeing those last two pins fall?

A kid celebrates getting a spare (@jonathanbathe/Twitter/Nicholas77/Getty)

There are certain firsts you remember for the rest of your life – and for this kid, his bowling debut may just be one of them.

Four-year-old Jackson got his first spare on his very first trip to the bowling alley – and who could blame him for getting just a little bit excited about it?

Sure, he got a little help from the rail, but that’s a great sporting moment by anyone’s standards.

The joy from Jackson and his sister Brooklyn, seven, is something to behold.

Their dad Jonathan, from Virginia in the United States, said: “He was so excited. It was our kids’ first experience with bowling. They had a blast.”

Sadly for Jackson, the spare wasn’t enough to propel him to victory, as his mum came away with the win.

Practice makes perfect.

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