Shropshire Star

This unbelievable Jenga move must be some sort of Jedi mind trick

How did he do that? Seriously, this guy may have changed Jenga forever.

A game of Jenga (Hin255/Getty)

There comes a point in every good game of Jenga where, no matter how hard you look, you just can’t see a move.

So what do you do when there simply aren’t any more pieces you can remove without disturbing the whole tower?

This, apparently.

Seriously, this guy must be a Jedi or something.

That’s Tim McAfee, father of former NFL player Pat MccAfee, knocking out a single piece which is holding up the entire tower like the most intense version of the tablecloth trick you’ve ever seen.

And yes, Pat, you played eight seasons for the Indianapolis Colts making the Pro Bowl twice – but we think you’ve just been usurped as the number one sportsman in your family.

Nobody could quite believe what they were seeing.

That’s one talented family.

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