Shropshire Star

My perfect weekend: Eliott Gleave – aka Example

Chart star Eliott Gleave – aka Example –  releases his new album, The Evolution of Man on Sunday and plays Birmingham's Gibb Street Warehouse tomorrow night. Here he shares a perfect weekend

It’s Friday afternoon, what’s on your mind?

On a Friday afternoon, I'll probably be thinking 'Where's my bed?' I spend my life on the road and it feels like there's no 'normal' week, or 'normal' day.

So on a Friday afternoon, I'll be wondering where my bed is. I won't have seen it for ages and I'll have forgotten what it looks like. I just work all week round.

Who normally has the pleasure of your company at the weekends?

My girlfriend comes pretty much everywhere with me; otherwise I wouldn't get to see her.

How do you prepare for a big night out?

My job's kind of a non-stop party so if I get a night off I just stay in. Be in bed by 10! I don't go out for big nights out. A big night out for me is a quiet night in.

What's your favourite party outfit?

I'm casual, I will wear jeans and a t-shirt until I die – I'll wear them to people's weddings. I'll be jeans and t-shirts for the rest of my days. That's the only thing I feel comfortable in.

You've just arrived at the bar, what's your first drink?

Probably a Guinness. It's the perfect way to start the evening.

What is your favourite nightspot and why?

I love going out in LA but Sydney is amazing. I lived in Sydney for a while so I love going out there. I just love being by the sea.

There's a great vibe, a great atmosphere. There are a few clubs out in LA and Sydney, I'd probably choose from those.

What tune always gets you on the dance-floor?

I don't really dance so much, but if some disco music like Sister Sledge comes on, you'll get me on the dance floor. I love a bit of disco, stuff by Sister Sledge or Donna Summer does it for me.

It's a sunny Saturday, what are you up to?

Probably on a plane somewhere, missing the sun!

What's your most memorable weekend ever and why?

I remember the weekend I played Wembley stadium with several other acts and that day Changed The Way You Kissed Me charted at number one.

It was not my favourite gig, but it was certainly the most memorable.

It was one of those gigs when you realise how far you've come, and how long it's taken to get there.

It was a landmark for me, so it assumed a real significance and that's the reason why I'd describe it as being my most memorable.

What's the recipe for the perfect night in?

At home with a DVD. I'd just shut the door, stay in and sit in front of the box for the night.

Favourite DVD? And what would you eat while watching it?

My favourite film ever is The Last of the Mohicans and I'd order an Indian takeaway. I love Daniel Day Lewis, I've never met him, but he's amazing in that.

Sunday breakfast: cooked or continental?

I'm a big lover of a fruit smoothie for breakfast, I don't eat a lot for breakfast – I tend to have a big lunch. I'd never do a cooked breakfast, I can't imagine eating all that food so early in the day.

Sunday lunch: home-cooked or the pub?

The pub. Every time. No question.

Where and how do you like to relax?

My idea of relaxing is going for a 10 mile run, just to clear my mind.

There's no fans chasing me, no one calling me or tweeting me – my perfect alone time is running. I probably run 40 or 50 miles each week.

When I'm away, I always make sure I take my running shoes.

Running is the perfect place for me to clear my mind. I'm surrounded by people for so much of the time, so running gives me the chance to get away. It also keeps me in shape.

You've got a whole weekend off and a wad of money in your back pocket – which country or city would you head to?

I'd probably go to Vietnam because I've never been there and I really want to go.

* Example plays the Gibb Street Warehouse in Digbeth, Birmingham, with DJ Wire tomorrow night. See for ticket availability.

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