Shropshire Star

Three new piano festival 'taster events' coming to Ludlow this autumn

Three 'taster' events are being lined up to give people an idea of what is coming for next year's Ludlow Piano Festival.

Alistair McGowan playing piano at Fringe community piano, Ludlow, in advance of piano festival in the town earlier this year

All three events are being planned to take place at Ludlow's beautiful St Laurence's Church, with a children's event that is set to be hosted by TV funnyman Harry Hill.

Ludlow Piano Festival was the brainchild of TV impressionist and piano player Alistair McGowan.

A spokesperson for the piano festival said in a newsletter to supporters: "We're popping back this Autumn.

"Sequins, waistcoats, tango, Harry Hill, laughs, book a Steinway and a lot of fun.

We're almost ready to pop back for two days on November 3 and 4 - just a taster of what Alistair and the team are putting together for LPF24."

There will be an event called Strictly Piano, involving a dance floor, on the Saturday, with a children's event hosted by Harry Hill on the Friday. Also on Friday an open piano event will see people book for the chance to play for 20 minutes each.

Tickets are expected to start going on sale in the next couple of weeks.