Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury split on 'too loud' busker 'driven away' from town centre by new council rules

Residents and businesses are split on a council decision to effectively kick a busker out of Shrewsbury town centre for being “unreasonably loud”.

Last updated
Jason Allan has been a regular sight on Shrewsbury's Pride Hill

Last week, singer Jason Allan was issued a written Community Protection Warning Notice by Shropshire Council after "continuing complaints" about the volumes of his music.

Under the terms of the notice, the 26-year-old singer will only be permitted to busk in one spot for one hour at a time, and won't be allowed back in that spot, or anywhere 50m from it, for 72 hours.

Breaking those rules could result in prosecution under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

Busker, Jason Allan

Jason said that because of the decision, he would no longer be performing on the streets of his home town.

Shropshire Council said complainants stated Jason's performances were "so loud they are unreasonable and are affecting businesses and residents", so the Shropshire Star visited Pride Hill - Jason's usual busking spot - to see how businesses and residents felt about the development.

Dan Evans of The e-Cig & CBD Store