Shropshire Star

Funny Girl, Birmingham Hippodrome - review and pictures

Let’s get one thing straight, it is not easy to review any actress appearing in Funny Girl without making the obvious comparison to Barbara Streisand, but for me, Sheridan Smith in the role of Fanny Bryce at the Birmingham Hippodrome this week blotted out all thoughts of her predecessor within the first few seconds of the opening of the show.

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Sheridan Smith in Funny Girl

I was determined to just concentrate on what was before me which I have to say, was wonderful. I guess we already knew this, but there is absolutely no doubt; Sheridan Smith is a star.

The tale of the rise and fall of Brooklyn comedienne and Follies star, Fanny Brice, who took the theatre world by storm, and her tempestuous marriage to millionaire Nick Arnstein, Funny Girl is a rollercoaster ride of tears, of both happiness and sadness.

The musical presents snapshots of Fanny’s life, starting as an ambitious, enthusiastic but ungainly teenager in Vaudeville, through to meeting the love of her life, their marriage and the eventual demise of their relationship as Fanny’s career soars, while Nick’s gambling lifestyle hits streak after streak of bad luck.

Sheridan Smith offers a stupendous performance with terrific comedic timing, an outstanding characterisation of Fanny with hilarious one liners and facial expressions and a vocal performance to rival any singer in musical theatre today. She is the ultimate clown; hilariously happy and funny on stage, while off stage she struggles to keep her marriage together and her husband happy.

Funny Girl

Every line, every song, every step she offers is completely from the heart and she has that rare ability to make you feel exactly what she is feeling. I can guarantee the hairs on the back of your neck will stand on end after just one song. At times in fact her performance is so convincing that you can only hope that there is no trace of the actress’s own persona in there and that it is purely a performance.

Darius Campbell as Nick Arnstein is every inch the suave, sophisticated, handsome millionaire, with a voice as smooth as the silk on his top hat and perfect chemistry with Sheridan Smith.

There is a seasoned performance by Rachel Izen as Fanny’s mother Mrs Brice and together with Myra Sands as Mrs Strakosh and Zoe Ann Brown as Mrs Meeker the three ladies portray a huddle of Jewish mothers to perfection.

The dancing skills of Joshua Lay as Eddie are a delight and the exceptionally talented ensemble completes an idyllic cast.

The production numbers are wonderfully “Ziegfield” with a line of beautiful dancers, theatrical lighting, sparkles, spangles and sumptuous costumes and the scene changes, and movement of props are slick and unobtrusive which ensures the production flows like a river.

Sheridan Smith in Funny Girl

The score of course is renowned for containing one of the biggest, belting numbers in showbiz; Don’t Rain On My Parade and of course the emotional ballad, People, both of which Sheridan delivers with heartfelt emotion and gusto to an audience who are obviously waiting to be impressed.

Although these are the stand out songs, the rest of Jule Styne and Bob Merrill’s score is entertaining and memorable and executed by an outstanding orchestra under the instruction of Ben Van Tienen.

All in all an incredible evening’s entertainment headed by a star who is so much more than just a “Funny Girl.” It’s pure musical theatre heaven!

Visit or call 0844 338 5000 for tickets.