Shropshire Star

Shirley Tart: Golden girl Rebecca Adlington needs to forget her image woes

I can understand Kay Adlington wanting to fly to Australia to "just give Becky a hug when she cried."

Rebecca Adlington

She's her mother, for goodness sake. She's allowed.

So far as the rest of the soppy sympathisers are concerned, I'd suggest they shut up. And what would I say to our champion swimmer? Just 'buck up' actually.

What on earth was that celebrity moment down in the jungle all about?

I'm at a slight (big) disadvantage here because I haven't been watching the latest I'm A Celebrity – I know, I know, that leaves me wide open to critics – except the odd outrage which makes the news headlines.

But no-one could have missed news of Rebecca Adlington's blubbing confession about bodily insecurities because she wasn't as slim, beautiful (in her mind), catwalk-ready and altogether gorgeous as her fellow jungle resident, the picture-perfect Amy Willerton and her model pals.

The fact that the fashion dollies might not be the brightest bulbs in the lampshade or gleam as dimly as a torch with the battery failing, cuts little ice with our Olympic heroine who has so lit up our national and our sporting life.

It seems to have been the simple presence of Amy, a former beauty queen, a nice girl so far as we know, which tipped the emotional scales again. Yes, they look a bit different, but that's life.

Rebecca Adlington is a fantastic advertisement. She is 24, in splendid health, very famous, much loved, greatly admired. Oh, and the Queen gave her an OBE.

Why on earth would she still be wittering about twittering that took place ages ago by boneheads who simply know no better?

Come to that, why did this national treasure, answer the call of the jungle beat at all?

The cruel, bear-baiting pantomime with largely Z-raters slicing chunks off each other and developing disgusting eating habits is why I don't watch it.

I know there is a few bob in it. But if it also means baring your vulnerable soul, scared to bare your splendid body and ending the day in tears, is it worth it?

Yes Rebecca, I'm talking about you. Swimming for glory and winning is totally amazing. Wallowing so unnecessarily is daft. Come on girl, do buck up!

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