Shropshire Star

No love, or joy for fellow celebs from McShane

Oh dear! You do need to be very careful when belittling others in the same profession as yourself.

Ian McShane

Apart from coming across as just being a bit unkind and jealous, it's that old adage about being careful who you dismiss on the way up in case you pass them on the way down.

You could say that actor Ian McShane has gone up and come down again without anyone even noticing. Surely the one-time Lovejoy actor is not really still dining out on that particular role? The series ended 20 years ago for goodness sake. And I can't say I'd registered him appearing on anything particularly big in the UK since.

But he clearly thinks everything in showbiz has gone to the dogs since he was big (well biggish).

In general terms I wouldn't disagree that some of these reality shows are packed with attention seekers whose past achievements remain a total mystery. In other words, nobody knows who on earth they are.

However, old Lovejoy needs to be a tad careful. When asked by an interviewer whether he would like a spot in fabulously successful Downton Abbey, it seems he said: "I don't think it's well written, Upstairs, Downstairs was better."

We'll take that as a 'no' then, Ian.

Then according to the grapevine, Mr Charming also ventured that he had actually been asked to take part in Strictly Come Dancing but said, 'don't be ridiculous. That's for D-list people who want to be recognised again'.

Talking D-list, dear, would it be too unkind to suggest that it takes one to know one?

One last thing

Having revealed my 2014 intentions to play the guitar again and properly learn the greater rules of cricket, two interesting things happened.

Firstly, someone asked (tongue-in-cheek, surely) if he could book me and my music for the next harvest supper. And secondly, a friend and cricket umpire arrived with a gift of a fat blue book explaining rules, laws, expectations of the great game. Hoisted by my own new year petard here, I fancy.

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