Shropshire Star

I've got my flaws but let's skip to the good bits

I've got flaws. I've got loads of them. I'm hugely impatient, I can get stroppy when I'm stressed, I can be grumpy when, well just because, I can be bossy. . . And that's just scratching the surface.

Lisa Williams

Anyone reading this who knows me will undoubtedly be nodding, chuckling to themselves and agreeing wholeheartedly. Thanks.

If you don't know me then you may identify with some of these character traits, foibles, whatever you want to call them.

But just stop for a second.

Everyone has flaws. I've acknowledged mine, maybe more people should admit to theirs.

They might be easier to get on with if they did. And, I reckon that when you're more open about, and accepting of, your bad points the good stuff shines through.

This leads me nicely into the fact that, aside from all those niggly imperfections of mine, people have indeed noticed some positives.

I'm frequently told that I'm lucky.

Apparently I'm lucky because I am both slim and I look younger than I actually am. Before you cuss me, get all disgruntled and label me a 'big-head b***h'. I'm really not. This is just what I've been told.

And the reason I am these things is due to luck I guess. Oh, that and, as a few people have mentioned, the fact I haven't got children. (They say it with a wry smile on their lips, but joking or not, they say it.)

Of course, how could I have not realised this?

As a result of my child-free existence I can do what I want, when I want, (presumably exercising, thus keeping myself trim). And I can buy what I want when I want. (My lack of little ones means I have wads of cash to splash out on lovely relaxing couples-only holidays and the magical elixir of youth, obviously).

All that and seemingly slim because my body has not been subjected to, and ruined by, the ordeal of pregnancy and baby weight.

Not forgetting how I must have had such a carefree existence. No trials or tribulations whatsoever in my life to cause those ageing signs that come with stress.

It's that simple.

This amazing baby-less life is making me both young and slim.


Here's something to consider. Maybe, just maybe, I'm slim because I work hard at it, running and being careful about what I eat. Or maybe I'm blessed with good genes (now that is sheer luck) or possibly it is because of good jeans. . . it's hard to find that perfect slimming pair you know.

Perhaps I don't look my age because, again, the good genes. Or because I exercise, eat healthily, don't drink too much (anymore), don't smoke. Boring, you may think but hey, maybe it's helping keep my skin young.


Listen up people, (mainly those with children who are saying these things to me): You chose to have your babies. I chose not to.

You could say I'm unlucky for having all those little failings. And because I haven't got any children.

As for the good stuff, well it could be down to luck or simply because I've got no nippers.

I guess we'll never know, unless I have a child-burdened twin that I just don't know about. . .

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