Letter: What is this town centre organisation?
Letter: I would like to fully support the letter from Mr Godfrey in the Star. Who exactly makes up Shrewsbury Town Residents Group?

Letter: I would like to fully support the letter from Mr Godfrey in the Star. Who exactly makes up Shrewsbury Town Residents Group?
Who do they represent? This self-appointed small group of people consists of half a dozen wealthy dwellers from the Town Walls area, led by Alan Shrank, who seek to represent the entire populace of Shrewsbury and prevent and confine the facilities of this town to their own preferences.
They are narrow-minded individuals, wanting to influence the majority of people who like and yearn for the town to grow and flourish.
Economically Shrewsbury needs and should be encouraging entertainment into the town.
Mr Shrank and his small number of supporters should be ignored, as they do not represent the thousands of people who want to attend these events.
Terry Anslow