Shropshire Star

Council's changes not at all surprising

Letter: When the Unitary Authority was proposed, many warned of what would happen. More bosses, more managers, more empire building and more remote aloofness of self important councillors.


: When the Unitary Authority was proposed, many warned of what would happen. More bosses, more managers, more empire building and more remote aloofness of self important councillors.

Well, now you have it from the horses mouth, a Shirehall employee who won't be identified for fear of losing his or her job, tells all to the Star, Tuesday, June 1, 2010.

Staff struggling to cope with backlogs of work from the badly conceived transition to the Unitary Authority whilst working with barely functioning IT equipment, outdated programs and layer upon layer of management.

The disgruntled worker went on to say public money was being squandered on roadshows, no jobs and so on, whilst employees were lectured on the need for austerity.

Now the regional assemblies and Advantage West Midlands are being scrapped, what's the betting that there will be another huge building erected at the Shirehall, to accommodate the replacement body, together with vast palatial offices to home the £250,000 plus bosses who will be necessary to such a grand new department of local government?

History has a habit of repeating itself as now we know.

Name and address supplied

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