Letter: Why all the form filling?
Letter: Living in Dorrington I noticed, particularly on Saturday and Sunday afternoon, traffic was ignoring the 30mph limit and speeding at up to 60mph.
Letter: Living in Dorrington I noticed, particularly on Saturday and Sunday afternoon, traffic was ignoring the 30mph limit and speeding at up to 60mph.
In a previous era I would have phoned the police station and spoken to the duty sergeant.
He in turn would have arranged for a constable with a camera to attend and book a few offenders.
As I cannot now phone Shrewsbury Police Station direct, I decided to write on March 12.
On March 16 I had a letter from the chief inspector saying their new traffic liaison manager would contact me, which he did.
In turn he indicated that this was within the domain of the Highways Agency, which he would contact.
They in turn assured me strips would be put down to check traffic speed (they obviously didn't believe me).
Since then I have heard nothing and have seen no strips being used.
Some three months later no positive action seems to have been taken but a lot of public money spent.
Why is everything made so complicated, expensive and bureaucratic today.
J A Thorpe