Letter: It's time to find football talent at home
Letter: I wonder when the dust as settled on England's latest abject failure in the World Cup the amateurs who run English football and I mean the FA will come to realise that a premier league filled with foreign talent has done nothing for our national game.

Letter: I wonder when the dust as settled on England's latest abject failure in the World Cup the amateurs who run English football and I mean the FA will come to realise that a premier league filled with foreign talent has done nothing for our national game.
I doubt if I will ever see an English team ever again qualify for the finals of any major competition because we do not nurture or give enough opportunity to home grown talent.
Personally I can't see one English player who I would include in a world 22.
We are kidding ourselves and, like our bankers, we reward failure.
Let's take back our leagues, bring back competitive sport into our schools and follow the lead of Germany in fostering home- grown talent.
Adrian Williams