Letter: Too much being spent on Malinslee?
Letter: Regarding the 200 people who signed the petition that MP David Wright and Councillor Sahota launched, demanding Malinslee has a play area. Is the town park not big enough or close enough for you?

Letter: Regarding the 200 people who signed the petition that MP David Wright and Councillor Sahota launched demanding Malinslee has a play area.
Malinslee is the highest financially supported estate in the borough, statistics show this has been the case for more than a decade. Malinslee is situated in the hub of Telford and has acres of open green space.
Is the town park not big enough or close enough for you? Is it too much effort for parents to take their children along to play on equipment designed for every age.
Try having to make two bus journeys during school holidays so your children can spend a day having fun in Telford town park, planning packed lunches and managing the weekly income to make it possible.
Malinslee has had more than its share of assistance and still its residents beg for more. They can relax in the knowledge that those who live very happily on my council tax contribution will do anything to ensure their names are remembered!
Time for Malinslee people to stop crying for more and spare a thought for the rest of Telford.
J Askew