Shropshire Star

Letter: Time to rethink county house building plans

Letter: Jake Berriman is reported as saying there is no need to halt work on the county planning strategy as a result of policy changes by the new government. He is wrong.


Letter: Jake Berriman is reported as saying there is no need to halt work on the county planning strategy as a result of policy changes by the new government. He is wrong.

The county plan - the core strategy - was based on policy conditions that no longer apply. Work not only must be halted, all work to date must be reviewed and overhauled.

The core strategy is clear on how its priorities are derived. It says: "While it is important the core strategy reflects the views and aspirations of local communities, other factors and established priorities must be taken into account."

These factors and priorities include "regional planning policy . . . including a range of targets for housing, employment, land, minerals and waste."

Regional planning policies have now been abolished by national government, as have housing targets.

There are more than planning reasons for revisiting the core strategy.

Jake Berriman claims it has been developed on the basis of "close engagement with local people."

The council may have engaged with communities, but it has rarely listened to them.

There are few in Shropshire who desire the high levels of housing development proposed and few believe that large tin sheds on the edge of Shrewsbury and our market towns will bring prosperity.

The council must now thoroughly revise its plans, which are unsound in planning terms and unsound as a blueprint for the well-being of Shropshire and its people.

Andy Boddington


CPRE Shropshire

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