Letter: One rule for council staff, one rule for us?
Letter: No more free swimming for the old and young at Shrewsbury. So much for the council trying to encourage the use of the swimming pool and a healthy population of Shrewsbury.
Letter: No more free swimming for the old and young at Shrewsbury. So much for the council trying to encourage the use of the swimming pool and a healthy population of Shrewsbury.
However, before they hit us, how about addressing their own issues?
As a professional person working from an office in Shrewsbury town centre I feel aggrieved that the people making these rules, the Guildhall and Shirehall, are not having to endure the expense that I and many other workers have to daily .
I have to pay Shropshire Council £2.50 to park my car every day I work.
However, a couple of miles away, the people who imposed the charges on this once free car park have what must be up to 300 parking spaces at no cost, one of the few in the UK with no charges for staff.
If the same rates were to apply that I pay the council, they would have an income potential of £200k per year.
This would free-up parking space for visitors as many Shirehall workers who live locally would walk.
It would reduce the Shirehall CO2 emissions, plus they would also find out how really good, or not, the public transport system is which they have imposed.
Essential users should also be encouraged to use public transport especially when commuting between Shirehall and Guildhall.
Mileage allowances should be paid to no greater than a small car engine to encourage smaller vehicles.
The council should be showing the lead and showing they are not immune to the hardships that we all face.
H Taylor