Shropshire Star

Letter: Answering criticism of council's spending

Letter: Dear J. Askew of Newport, regarding your letter in the Shropshire Star, under the heading: "More then enough is spent on this area." I, as the local borough councillor, would like to point out some facts to you and to the readers of the Shropshire Star.


Letter: Dear J. Askew of Newport, regarding your letter in the Shropshire Star, under the heading: "More then enough is spent on this area." I, as the local borough councillor, would like to point out some facts to you and to the readers of the Shropshire Star. (Read the original letter here)

Firstly, some history. In 2007, the two Malinslee primary schools were merged and rebuilt on the site of the then childrens' play area.

The council promised it would replace the play area once the new school was built. The children of Malinslee are still waiting, which is why the petition was drawn up. Residents are not "begging for more", but for what is rightfully theirs.

As for the comment "Malinslee is the highest financially supported estate in the borough", may I respectfully point out that, for the last three years, Malinslee has had no new leisure facilities at all.

J Askew, you live in Newport, the most prosperous part of our borough. And, in the last three years, since the Conservative administration took control, your town has had over £1.5m of spending planned.

I am not bitter, but perhaps voters in central and south Telford should ask why all this is being spent in Newport, while Malinslee children have to campaign for a play area which was promised them.

Cllr Kuldip Sahota


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