Letter: Is Shropshire subsidising the wrong services?
Letter: The cutbacks have started and the people who run Shropshire Council pick on the young and the over 60s with the scrapping of free swimming, but no talk of in-house cutbacks, they are continuing to subsidise the Secret Hills shuttle buses on Saturdays and Sundays.

Letter: The cutbacks have started and the people who run Shropshire Council pick on the young and the over 60s with the scrapping of free swimming, but no talk of in-house cutbacks, they are continuing to subsidise the Secret Hills shuttle buses on Saturdays and Sundays.
Surely this is not an essential service, the only people it benefits is their own in-house drivers whom we, the council taxpayers, are paying for.
They are also continuing to subsidise The Shropshire Link all using in-house vehicles and drivers, why not contract this service out? It would surely be a much cheaper option.
They recently put up parking charges in Shrewsbury's multi-storey car park, in some cases way above the rate of inflation. It's now £2.50 to park on a Sunday and, guess what, the shops are very quiet on a Sunday and there is an abundance of spaces.
We would much prefer to go to Chester and use the park and ride which operates on a Sunday and use my bus pass, but no doubt that will soon be scrapped by our uncaring council.
They need to remember the over 60s have grandchildren being penalised as well — and we have a vote.
It would be nice if our councillors, whom we only see when they need our vote, took a cut in their expenses, but it's a case of "dream on" and let's hit the young and the elderly, they are easy targets.
John & Jackie Pond