Letter: Losing the will to live in Ludlow
Letter: I am rapidly losing the will to live - at least to live in Ludlow.

Letter: I am rapidly losing the will to live - at least to live in Ludlow.
As if the ludicrous fiasco concerning the A-boards wasn't enough to bring the sanity of the elected members into serious disrepute, there are now grave concerns being raised about the Co-operative store's new green signs.
You see, they're, well, too green, and the lights are too, well, light.
They are causing some of our councillors to experience headaches.
Shropshire Council has to identify £47 million of savings, but that is nothing compared to the problem posed by those signs!
Can I proffer some helpful advice?
Take two paracetamol, lie down in a darkened room and do your shopping at Tesco, Aldi or wherever.
Wear designer shades at night.
Purchase an extra brain cell to be shared on a strictly rotational basis.
Is an issue such as this really what we pay these people to address on our behalf?
I also have three further words of advice, folks - get a life.
Paul Tighe