Shropshire Star

Letter: Paying to park - in sickness and in health

Letter: I want to protest about hospital car parking tickets in this area. People are still having to pay to visit a friend or relative in hospital or even to take some one to hospital in an emergency.


Letter: I want to protest about hospital car parking tickets in this area. People are still having to pay to visit a friend or relative in hospital or even to take some one to hospital in an emergency.

When paying a visit the other day a young woman was in tears because she had no money with her. She asked to pay later offering her name and address but was refused, she said she had come a long way to visit a friend.

It seems a pretty mean idea to expect people to have their mind on money when they are delivering a sick person to hospital or visiting a sick person.

Where is the compassion for the sick and their friends and family? It should be stopped.

J Bailey


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