Letter: Out, but not about, in Shrewsbury
Letter: It is not always an easy life for a gay person to have a social life in Shrewsbury as I have found out for myself (to my cost).
Letter: It is not always an easy life for a gay person to have a social life in Shrewsbury as I have found out for myself (to my cost).
I am not "camp" and go around telling people I am gay. I live in a small town in Shropshire and there is no way I would go out in the evening to any of the pubs for fear of being verbally abused/attacked.
I cannot change the way I am, i.e. my sexuality. There are people who have a homophobic attitude which runs through them like words through a stick of rock.
If I had the money I would move to Holland which has a more liberal attitude towards people who are "different".
Name and address supplied