Letter: The misery of anti-social neighbours
Letter: With all the news about anti-social behaviour and the police making all the headlines, I felt compelled to write and suggest all the furore about the police not caring and failing to deal with the problem is in fact correct.
Letter: With all the news about anti-social behaviour and the police making all the headlines, I felt compelled to write and suggest all the furore about the police not caring and failing to deal with the problem is in fact correct.
As a victim of this behaviour from our wonderful neighbour who regularly plays loud, thumping music and holds all-night parties until all hours of the night and day, I would have to agree and say that police do not care and don't want to deal with the problems these louts cause.
I have had police sit in my living room at 3am and listen to the racket only to be told it is a council/environmental health issue and they left without even speaking to my neighbour.
Even after contacting the relevant departments all we got was unhelpful comments and a direct attempt to fob us off.
Clearly this type of behaviour is against the terms of the tenancy agreement and should be dealt with by way of two strikes and your out policy and the property given to somebody more deserving.
Name and address supplied