Letter: Spare a thought for hard-working train guards
Letter: I wanted to share my experience travelling by train from Wolverhampton to Shrewsbury.
Letter: I wanted to share my experience travelling by train from Wolverhampton to Shrewsbury.
The guard had to deal with three separate incidents: One with someone hiding in the toilet; another fare evasion; and, finally, a lad playing his music loud.
He dealt with the first two quite quickly, but the lad with the music turned yobbish and refused to turn it down. He was asked three times politely by the guard, but ignored him, so he was asked to leave the train.
At first he didn't move, but the penny dropped that the train was not leaving the station with him on it.
Afterwards, I asked the guard if he was OK, as he looked shaken-up. He then explained to me what he has to put up with.
Sometimes there are off-duty police to help, but not on this occasion. If he called the police they could take up to an hour to arrive.
Finally, he would be get a phone call from his employer asking to move on. The train was delayed a short while but it was worth it as the yob was forced to back down.
Sometimes I wonder why my ticket has not been checked but if this is what they have to put up with on a regular basis, I know why.
V Lewis