Letter: In a time of cuts, why give the EU more cash?
Letter: Philip Dunne MP (Shropshire Star, November 6) says that the aim of the coalition Government is "to share the pain of tax rises and spending cuts".
Letter: Philip Dunne MP (Shropshire Star, November 6) says that the aim of the coalition Government is "to share the pain of tax rises and spending cuts".
Could he therefore explain why on October 13 he and three other Shropshire MPs voted against an amendment proposed by their Conservative colleague, the MP for Clacton, calling on the Government "to reduce Britain's European Union budget contribution"?
Would he also explain sending extra money to Brussels to create a whole new Foreign Affairs department is justified when, on the other hand, vital components of our nation's defences such as HMS Ark Royal and the Harrier aircraft squadrons are being consigned to the scrapheap ?
Christopher Gill