Shropshire Star

Letter: Time to abolish planning rules?

Letter: The decision to allow Tesco to continue selling non-grocery items in its store was recently described as "shambolic" by protesters, as reported in the Star and other press.


Letter: The decision to allow Tesco to continue selling non-grocery items in its store was recently described as "shambolic" by protesters, as reported in the Star and other press.

I would suggest that it is the planning system which is shambolic and should be completely abolished, giving businesses and individuals the right, within reason, to do what they like on their own sites.

How ridiculous to have a committee deciding on what sort of goods customers can buy from certain shops and paying expensive officers to go round snooping to see if they are selling, say, rolling pins in a food only shop!

If the Government really wants the country to prosper, then they should free everyone to do what they can to earn a living, without irksome rules or little Hitlers spying on them!

It is not that long ago that Sunday Trading prevented you buying anything on the Sabbath. Now it is a choice.

Village policemen too, haunted the local pubs to see if some wicked customer was having a crafty pint one minute after 10pm (pre 1963), and car lights had to be left on all night, flattening their battery, even in built up areas.

Mind you we have replaced those silly laws with littering offences, with snoopers employed to spot the odd matchstick dropper, prompted by the same funny old fuddy duddies who now worry about Tesco selling washing soda but not baking soda. Saddos I say!

Name and address supplied

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