Shropshire Star

Letter: Shrewsbury Smithfield crossing is to help cyclists

Letter: To D Taylor (Letters, November 4). You may not credit it, but the crossing you complain about wasn't meant to assist pedestrians to cross Smithfield Road (hold your breath for a moment, this is true).


Letter: To D Taylor (Letters, November 4). You may not credit it, but the crossing you complain about wasn't meant to assist pedestrians to cross Smithfield Road (hold your breath for a moment, this is true).

It is meant to help cyclists cycling on the pavement (illegally) to cross to the opposite pavement and carry on (illegally) cycling on the other pavement.

Folks have been complaining in the local Press (Star and Chronicle), at public meetings and with the local authorities and the police about cyclists on most (if not all) pavements and pedestrian areas.

There will be a crackdown we are assured. Seems a jolly funny crackdown to me.

I've challenged the chief constable to disclose how many cyclists have been prosecuted this year. He's never disputed my claim of nil.

Meanwhile, the motorist is greatly inconvenienced and I believe a major accident and serious injury has resulted from this "cyclist crossing". You couldn't make it up.

Eric Stanley


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