Letter: Welfare state has been a disaster for Britain
Letter: The welfare state is the most disastrous thing that has happened to the UK.

Letter: The welfare state is the most disastrous thing that has happened to the UK.
It is a paradise bureaucrats use to build up useless empires at the expense of British wealth creators.
It has delivered the most inferior health service in the western world.
In Germany it is compulsory for every resident to have health insurance. They have a far superior health service and it makes people responsible for their health.
I browsed through our local council's A to Z directory of council services.
There are 495 different services imposed upon the British public. Each one is a paradise for bureaucrats to enjoy.
This is not only using up money this country does not have but it is reducing the once-proud British people into dependent morons who are unable to look after themselves.
It also dishonestly leads them to believe that services are free.
Every other free animal on this planet hunts and looks after their young and themselves with no help.
It is time British people took charge of their own welfare then there would be no need to be taxed heavily to support the bureaucrats in their lucrative fruitless jobs.
It would also make us more responsible.
The interest on the £4.8 trillion, £4,800,000,000,000, national debt is building up over 100 times faster than the cuts can reduce it.
We are borrowing from people who have not been born yet.
Tom Williams