Letter: Fined because snow covered disabled parking space
Letter: I recently visited the Oswestry orthopaedic hospital after severely injuring my leg and knee.

Letter: I recently visited the Oswestry orthopaedic hospital after severely injuring my leg and knee.
I understand why the hospital car parks have to charge to gain revenue these days, and I paid my £2 fee and went inside the hospital for my consultation. When I returned to my vehicle which my wife had driven for me, there was a £40 fine on the windscreen.
It appeared I had parked in a disabled space, which I was unaware of as snow had masked the yellow lines.
My wife parked there because it was nearest the door and my leg is so badly damaged, I can only walk a few metres at a time.
I understand the hospital needs extra funds, especially in these hard times. But this money should be used to ensure the car park is kept to a reasonable condition, even when snow is a problem.
The car park attendants seem to sit around for most of the day; surely they should be armed with a shovel and earn there wage?
I will pay more attention to which space I choose next time. And I hope that in future the car park staff ensure the car park is cleared of snow more efficiently.
Also, it would be nice to see common sense used a bit more widely in society but I doubt this will ever happen anymore. Merry Christmas to everyone in Shropshire! (Except for the parking staff at Oswestry hospital )
Les Potter
Bishop's Castle