Letter: Council empties bins but not the recycling. Why?
Letter: As we all know one tiny flake of the white stuff and the UK grinds to a sudden halt. I am some what bemused by Telford & Wrekin Council's rubbish/recycling collection service over the past fortnight.

Letter: As we all know one tiny flake of the white stuff and the UK grinds to a sudden halt.
I am some what bemused by Telford & Wrekin Council's rubbish/recycling collection service over the past fortnight.
You call the number provided and get an automated message saying "due to the recent bad weather we cannot make it to collect your recycling but please do leave it out so we can come and collect when the weather improves" or something of that nature.
Now usually if you leave anything out on the public highway or path you get a snooty letter from Telford & Wrekin pointing out how naughty you have been.
Fine, so I left my recycling outside, not on the footpath I may add, on December 3, which was my scheduled collection date and, two weeks later, it still has not been collected by the council.
My road has been clear of ice since December 8 and they very kindly on December 10, came and emptied my rubbish bin.
So what is the problem with the recycling?
I am hoping that they will appear soon and do the job they are employed to do.
My council tax pays towards this and so does the council tax which is paid by people in the rest of the borough.
Suzanne Carey
Ketley Grange