Letter: Pavements should be gritted in winter
Letter: I wish to express my concern about the decision that pavements should be excluded from winter weather treatments.

Letter: I wish to express my concern about the decision that pavements should be excluded from winter weather treatments.
This left the most vulnerable in society, the elderly and disabled, house-bound.
I was always taught to respect my elders and the most vulnerable and find the decision not to make their welfare and safety a priority unacceptable.
The principle of the duty of care is a legal requirement to employees, these principles should never be compromised and the cost to provide cannot be used as a reason not to.
Establishments such as local authorities have legal responsibilities to their employees, which I believe should be extended to local residents.
This did not happen during the winter with failure to winter treat pavements for the safety of the residents.
I believe the postal service in our area addressed this issue by stopping delivery for the safety of the postal staff during this time, which I support.
I trust the local authorities will adopt these principles in future winters.
I would like to see the return of winter treatment of all adopted walkways and public pavements so the most vulnerable in society can carry on with their normal lives as much as possible.
LR Tait
Ketley Bank