Letter: Pay should reflect the job's value to society
Will you allow me to make a comment on how the "powers that be" have sat by and done nothing about in relation to certain people's income?

Will you allow me to make a comment on how the "powers that be" have sat by and done nothing about in relation to certain people's income?
I get very annoyed when reporters say "earnings" instead of "income".
"Earned" is all about perspective.
Have our armed forces "earned" redundancy while in Afghanistan?
The BBC paying millions in wages to their presenters and newscasters is out of order.
People in banking get obscene amounts of money, the country acts as guarantor with no proper return for taking all the risk.
Can politicians not understand that every pound we pay out is a pound less for us to spend.
It is very simple; we have no choice.
If we do not pay income tax, council tax or television licence fees we will end up in court, fined or even in jail.
The inmates are running the asylum.
I used to ask the question who is most important to society, the water worker on about £30,000 or the doctor on about £100,000?
Most people get it wrong by saying the doctor as he is more important to the individual.
It is time wages reflected the importance of the worker to the society in which we pay them.
Telford & Wrekin Council can advertise for a care worker on a salary of £13,000 but they do not care about paying £157,000 to the authority's chief executive.
Who says that one person is really 12 times better than another?
Peter W Breeze