Letter: In praise of police stop and search
Letter: A recent Star item "Father's anger over stop and search" outlined a town councillor's complaint that his son, aged 15, and a group of his friends were stopped by police while walking to an AFC Telford game. Apparently one was searched and they were all directed away from the ground.

Letter: A recent Star item "Father's anger over stop and search" outlined a town councillor's complaint that his son, aged 15, and a group of his friends were stopped by police while walking to an AFC Telford game. Apparently one was searched and they were all directed away from the ground.
While this group were apparently doing nothing wrong, the problem is that a group of similar aged youths have recently caused difficulties at several games.
Even though the problem is only small-scale, their actions are resulting in a less welcoming atmosphere for our travelling fans at some away grounds and are causing extra stewarding and policing costs for the club.
For the moment, as a fan I'm therefore pleased to learn the police are checking out any groups of unsupervised youngsters heading to a match.
Indeed, I'd like to encourage any parents who have teenagers attending games with their mates to tag on occasionally just to reassure themselves that the group head straight home after each game and don't hang around looking for trouble.
Name and address supplied