Shropshire Star

Letter: UK Democracy appears to mean unelected EU judges

Letter: The European Court of Justice has just decreed that insurance companies must no longer discriminate between men and women when selling annuities and motor insurance.


Letter: Your correspondent Robert Jones (Shropshire Star, February 23) needs to wake up and smell the coffee.

The European Court of Justice has just decreed that insurance companies must no longer discriminate between men and women when selling annuities and motor insurance.

Heretofore men have been able to get better terms on annuities because statistically they die sooner than women and women have been able to get better motor insurance terms than men because statistically they have fewer accidents.

In future men will have to pay more for their annuities and women will have to pay more for their motor insurance - not because the Westminster Parliament says so but because the unelected, unaccountable and often unqualified so-called judges in the European Court say so.

Dreamers like Robert Jones say that "we can only achieve reform from within" the European Union, but when I asked my MP, Philip Dunne, HOW, he refused to answer the question.

He knows as well as I do that any meaningful reform can only be achieved with the unanimous agreement of all 27 member states and that the prospect of that ever happening are as likely as hell freezing.

Home Secretary Theresa May has effectively said that there is nothing that we can do about the ECJ insurance diktat, thus confirming what some of us have known for a very long time which is that whether you vote Tory, Labour or Lib/Dem what you actually get is more of the same - government by the unelected and unaccountable eurocrats in Brussels - and they call that democracy.

Christopher Gill


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