Shropshire Star

Letter: No sympathy for petrol station bosses

Letters: I read with anger the article in the Star (March 26), saying the fuel station owners were moaning they had lost money due to the fact they had bought the fuel still in their tanks at pre-Budget prices, so would lose money because of the short notice of the price drop.


Letters: I read with anger the article in the Star (March 26), saying the fuel station owners were moaning they had lost money due to the fact they had bought the fuel still in their tanks at pre-Budget prices, so would lose money because of the short notice of the price drop.

What a load of whingeing money grabbers. We never heard them moan when the Chancellor put the duty up.

Did they say then that they would not put it up till they had used what was in their tanks, as they bought it at pre-Budget prices and that they would make too much money?

I don't think so. They have made millions over the years when they have full tanks at pre-Budget prices, and then slapped the increase on. No, they don't moan when they sell at more than what they paid.

Well I am sorry but the shoe is on the other foot this time for the first time since I don't know when. So get real all you fuel station owners, take the bad, in the same greedy manner you took the good. When the fuel goes up again, which I am fairly sure it will, we will remember.

Brian Groome

Sutton Maddock

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