Letter: £50 to park outside my own house in Market Drayton?
Letter: I live in Frogmore Road, off Prospect Road in Market Drayton and since the council started to make people pay on all car parks, we get a lot of parking in our street.

Letter: I live in Frogmore Road, off Prospect Road in Market Drayton and since the council started to make people pay on all car parks, we get a lot of parking in our street.
So, fed up, I contacted Shropshire Council to see if we can get residents' parking only. They said they are going to give us parking permits but they want the residents of Frogmore Road to pay for the permits.
They will only cost us £50 for the privilege to park outside my own house, which I have done for many years.
I'm all for permits, but I will not pay for them. I will park my car in somebody else's street and let them have the same problem as we are getting.
I already pay road tax, insurance and MoT and making me pay for a permit is another tax.
I know Shropshire Council has had its budget cut off the government and is short of money, so now they have realised they can get a few thousand back by charging us folk who don't even park on the car parks and I have also read the council is going to spend thousands on new vehicles. Now I know who is paying for these new vehicles.
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