Letter: Parking charges are killing Shrewsbury
Letter: We read with interest the front page of the Shropshire Star about the new parking charges hitting trade in the county town.
Letter: We read with interest the front page of the Shropshire Star about the new parking charges hitting trade in the county town.
We ourselves are guilty of making sure that we do not go over three hours when we park in the Raven Meadow car park. This costs us £3.50, whereas before the increase it was £2.50.
Samantha Tharme states that the increases are only in line with inflation which, by our calculation, is certainly not the case. Perhaps Shropshire Council even in these dire times ought to invest in a calculator.
The council has stopped concessionary travel on the park and ride.
Is it any wonder that the shops are now suffering?
If we want a day out it's Chester for us where park and ride is free for concessionary pass-holders and the cost of fuel is less than a day's parking in Shrewsbury.
We used to enjoy going into town to visit the shops and have lunch on a Sunday but we will no longer be doing this.
Your readers might be interested to know that if they wish to spend a day in Shrewsbury on a Sunday it will cost them exactly the same as it does on a weekday.
We dread to think what this will do for trade at Christmas.
The writing is on the wall for Shrewsbury.
For some reason best known only to Shropshire Council's elite cabinet, Shrewsbury is being killed off.
John and Jackie Pond