Letter: Ryan Giggs and respecting people's privacy
Letter: Since the subject of gossip has been highlighted in the news lately, thanks to Mr Giggs and his failed super injunction, I thought I would provide the truth about gossip.

Letter: Since the subject of gossip has been highlighted in the news lately, thanks to Mr Giggs and his failed super injunction, I thought I would provide the truth about gossip.
I'm sure many find gossiping a form of entertainment and just a bit of harmless fun, right?
Well, no, wrong; gossip is very damaging to those on the receiving end.
It causes high levels of stress and anxiety above what is healthy. Also in lots of cases the stress is that prolonged it can and does cause mental injury and scars that no one can see.
The poor man or woman may never be the same again.
We are taught at school that sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.
Well that is wrong. Gossiping is just a form of bullying - and a really vile one at that.
Should we not have the right to protection against it as a human right?
T Smith